Thursday, 28 January 2010

Sorry, I forgot...

...another outing is on Saturday, 1st May, at the lovely and lively town of Hexham on the Tyne, sweeping along with joy in its heart because the South Tyne has just met the North Tyne a mile or so to the West and they must have much to discuss. Hexham stages a really good book festival every year - see - with all manner of authors and events. On Mayday afternoon I'm going to be chatting with Ian Thompson, whose new book The English Lakes is about to come out from Bloomsbury, and Harry Pearson whose peerless review of True North in the Daily Mail (not always an agent of darkness) you can read here:,+warm+hearts,+but+no+chips.-a0210858243


  1. Martin, Just started reading your True North book - the black and white images have come out remarkably well, and are fascinating.

  2. Hi there - thanks ever so and many apologies for the long delay in responding - explained in post just above. True North owes much to the succession of exceptional photographers with whom I have worked, and still work. And I can't begin to tell you how many things they have pointed out to me, when we have been on stories, which I would otherwise have missed.
